What To Do If You Are Facing Foreclosure
If you're facing foreclosure, don't panic. Take steps right now to save your home or at least lessen the blow of its loss. Foreclosure Moratoriums Could Be Extended Foreclosures may be banned until 2022 if a new rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau goes through. The rule — which the CFPB says would benefit both underwater homeowners and mortgage servicers — would prohibit servicers from initiating the foreclosure process until after December 31 of this year. This would allow for streamlined loan modifications to help post-forbearance homeowners get back on their feet. If you are facing foreclosure, call your lender to determine your options, which can include loan modification, forbearance, or a short sale. When Will Foreclosures Resume? There’s no word on how quickly foreclosures would pick back up after the December 31 deadline passes. In fact, the CFPB says there may even be situations when it will “permit earlier foreclosures” if th...