Make Sure You Are Getting the Best Tax Advice
Recently I had a client call me to complain about how upset she was regarding the fact that she was only getting half of the $8000 tax credit. She had purchased a duplex a couple of months ago and was expecting to receive 10% of half of the sales price (since she was renting out the other half of the duplex and receiving rental income). She was, therefore, expecting to get $7500 (10% of $75K instead of 10% of the full purchase price of $150K) She was very upset because she had recently been to H&R Block to have her taxes done and they insisted on the fact that she was only entitled to half of the tax credit ($4000) rather than 10% of half of the purchase price ($7500). Now, I am not a tax accountant and don’t even pretend to be. But, I called the IRS and they confirmed that this is indeed wrong . She was indeed entitled to 10% of half of the purchase price ($7500), NOT half of the tax credit ($4000). So, don’t assume that H&R Block knows what they are talking about. If you ...