Make Sure You Are Getting the Best Tax Advice
She was very upset because she had recently been to H&R Block to have her taxes done and they insisted on the fact that she was only entitled to half of the tax credit ($4000) rather than 10% of half of the purchase price ($7500).
Now, I am not a tax accountant and don’t even pretend to be. But, I called the IRS and they confirmed that this is indeed wrong. She was indeed entitled to 10% of half of the purchase price ($7500), NOT half of the tax credit ($4000).
So, don’t assume that H&R Block knows what they are talking about. If you (or your clients) have questions regarding the tax credit or any other tax related issues, contact the IRS!
You can get answers to questions about general tax rules by calling (800) 829-1040 (Option 2, Option 1, Option 4).