Home Energy Saving Tips

Want to save money on your energy bills? Here are some energy-saving tips for you!

Heating & Insulation— By turning down your thermostat by 1 degree F, you can save 25-30 gallons of heating oil per year. That’s up to 3% of an average home's yearly consumption, or between $105-$128 per year at the current average rate of heating oil ($4.26/gallon). More Heating & Insulation Tips...

Cooling— Save up to 3% on your cooling costs for every degree you raise your thermostat in the summer. For example, raising it from 73 to 78 degrees can save up to 15% in cooling costs. More Cooling Tips…

Appliances— Wrap your water heater with a water heater blanket, especially if it's in an unheated area of your home. The blanket could save you up to 10% on water heating costs. More Appliance Tips…

Lighting — CFLs can give the same amount and quality of light as incandescent bulbs, yet use one-third the amount of energy and last ten times longer. A CFL can save over $30 in electricity costs over the lamp's lifetime compared to an incandescent bulb. More Lighting Tips...

Other— Install energy-saving showerheads in your home. You'll reduce hot water use and cut water costs by 10% to 16% without affecting comfort. More Tips…


Alexis Jameson said…
Great tips and several things I’ d not thought about.
Thank you for posting about this…

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