Importance of Having a Septic System Inspection

Purchasing a home is the largest investment most people will ever make. To help insure that this investment is protected from the unexpected cost of the replacement or repair of a septic system, it is important that the system be inspected by a trained septic system inspector.

Why Should You Request a Septic System Inspection? 
Replacement of a system can cost $12,000 or more. Such an expense for a new homeowner may be substantial. Once a malfunctioning system is detected by the local plumbing inspector it usually must be replaced immediately, since it is a violation of the Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules and is a health hazard that can potentially contaminate nearby wells. For your protection it is important to determine if a system is malfunctioning prior to purchase. Without an inspection it is impossible to know what is the condition of the system.

What Does a Septic System Consist of? 
A septic system is an underground treatment system that takes care of sanitary wastes from a home or business. It generally consists of a septic tank, usually made of steel or concrete and a leachfield. The leachfield can be a rock bed, chambers or other type of design. The tank traps solids and the leachfield treats and disposes of liquids through infiltration into the ground.

What does Inspection of a a Septic System Involve?
1) A record search is conducted to determine age, design and location of the system.
2) An inspection of the internal plumbing of the home is completed to ensure that all plumbing is properly connected to the system. 
3) An inspection of the septic tank is conducted to determine the solids level and to insure that the tank is functioning as designed. This requires some minor excavation to locate and open the tank cover.
4) The system’s leachfield is located and an inspection of the field and its perimeter is conducted to determine if it is functioning properly.
5) Finally, the inspector reports on the status of the system. This provides information on whether the system needs replacement or repair.

Who Can Do the Inspections?
You can obtain a list of certified inspectors on the Maine Department of Human Services, Division of Health Engineering website at: http//  


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